We're all ears! Let us know how we can make your Ambire experience more enjoyable.
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As a user, I'd like to have the ability to set limit orders in Ambire's built in swap in the extension.
As a user, I want to see WALLET staking stats in mobile wallet just as I see them in the web wallet's See more detail module.
As a user, I’d love to have the ability to see prices in EUR - currently it’s USD only.
As a user, I want extension in dark mode.
As a user, I’d like to be able to send tokens to multiple addresses in a more straightforward way. Background: Ambire Smart...
As a user, I’d like to have the ability to change the token approval amount manually. We’re working towards abstraction...
As a user, I’d like to have the ability to send crypto to someone via link and email.
As a user, I’d like to have the ability to onramp and offramp in extension. This is already available in web and mobile wallet...
Rootstock is an EVM compatible chain, layer 2 for bitcoin that leverages the security of Bitcoin with a smart contracts...
As a user, I’d like to have the ability to batch transactions just as in web and mobile wallet. Ambire extension will...