Expand the selection of tokens eligible for use as fee tokens


As a user, I wish to have additional fee tokens accessible for covering gas fees.

Ambire gas management:

1. In addition to paying gas with the chain native token (eg ETH on Ethereum, MATIC on Polygon, …) Ambire enables you to pay gas with stablecoins and other ERC-20 tokens. Here is a complete list of 56 tokens you can use for paying gas on particular chains: help.ambire.com/hc/en-us/articles/4420087863580

2. Using Gas tank saves you approximately 20% on gas fees and enables you to pay gas on all supported chains. For example, deposit 10 USDC into the Gas tank on Optimism → pay gas with deposited funds on any supported chain - this eliminates the need of having native tokens for paying gas on each chain. Here is a complete list of tokens that can be deposited into the gas tank: help.ambire.com/hc/en-us/articles/5406891241628

Which stablecoins would you like to be added as gas tokens?


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